Close Encounters Ministries

  • THE BREAKFAST CLUB is a wonderful way to entice teens to come to Sunday School. If they love food, they will be there without fail! Everything the Sunday School teacher needs to organize this wonderful thirteen week series is included in one notebook filled with scheduling suggestions, menus, lesson plans and more for one hour per session!

    A full breakfast is featured each week served by teachers and assistants and followed by gentle table activities where students interact and share life experiences with class members. Three weeks are reserved as VIP SUNDAYS. Guests share breakfast with the group and tell their personal Christian journey.

    The lessons provide opportunity to talk about current issues facing Christian teens. While Ted Turner's comment was not intended to be complimentary, his thought serves as a healthy basis for Christian living. Let's debunk other popular myths Christian teens hear. Discuss issues surrounding these statements: CHRISTIANITY IS FOR LOSERS, THE BIBLE IS A BUNCH OF FAIRY TALES, THE CHURCH IS FULL OF HYPOCRITES, IMAGINE THERE'S NO HEAVEN...NO HELL BELOW US..., DISPOSABLE PEOPLE, I PRAYED...GOD DIDN'T ANSWER, WHO MOVED THE STONE?, BE A GOOD PERSON, WHAT I THINK DOESN'T MAKE A DIFFERENCE.

    Here is a PREVIEW of The Breakfast Club - Christianity Is For Losers!

    Make a special effort to produce a wonderful weekly culinary experience and a meaningful spiritual experience. The curriculum suggestions make your students feel loved. The goal is to make Sunday School unique--"The caring place to be"--on Sunday mornings!

  • $31.50

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